Up close with Lamborghini’s even faster Aventador Superveloce

You’d think triangles and hexagons would be tired by now. Every gaming PC manufacturer has by now ripped off vs03-04_1150cxs-1.0Lamborghini’s violently sharp lines and exaggerated air intakes. The Lambo has become a cliché of design by virtue of how often and how widely it has been copied. And yet, seeing the real thing in its carbon fiber flesh is still a uniquely thrilling experience.

Lamborghini’s debutant at this year’s Geneva Motor Show is the Aventador Superveloce, an even more extreme supercar to reign atop its signature bright yellow throne. The new car has gone spartan in its pursuit of speed, stripping out the infotainment system, the carpets, and some noise insulation elements. The monocoque, fixed air intakes, and the new rear wing are all made out of carbon fiber, supported by lightweight aluminum frames. The bucket seats, door panels, and fenders are also all made out of carbon. Even the exhaust system has been redesigned to be lighter, and altogether the Superveloce sheds 50kg (110lb) from the original Aventador’s weight. Which is, of course, only the start for Lamborghini. Continue reading

Galaxy S5 Dilaporkan Terbakar

Jakarta – Sebenarnya kabar soal ponsel yang terbakar bukanlah s5fire640x480hal yang baru lagi. Kini giliran pengguna Galaxy S5 yang mengaku tiba-tiba mengalami nasib nahas tersebut, padahal ponsel buatan Samsung itu sedang tidak dalam kondisi di-charging.

Kejadian tersebut dialami oleh pengguna Galaxy S5 yang punya nicknameJjhend di forum Reddit. Ia mengatakan suatu ketika meninggalkan Galaxy S5 miliknya untuk berbelanja. Saat kembali dari berbelanja, ia mencium seperti aroma terbakar di ruangannya. Setelah ditelusuri, baru diketahui ternyata sumber aroma terbakar itu berasal dari Galaxy S5 kepunyaannya.

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